1. Boil a cup of milk before going to sleep in the night. Add to it one full lemon juice and keep it for 10 to 15 minutes. Apply the liquid on face, palm, feet (bottom). Go to sleep only after the application dries. It will give good and sound sleep. Next day morning wash the face, palm and feet with hot water. Do this procedure continuously for 15 - 20 days. This will make the face glow and the skin soft. For keeping the glow the same may be continued.2. Add lemon juice of ¼ lemon to two table spoons of cream of milk. Mix them well. Apply to the face before going to sleep in the night. Wash the face with cold water in the morning. Do this for a month. The beauty in the face will double, skin will shine and face glow.If any irritation starts at the first application due to addition of lemon juice, do not continue